UK Beneficiary (EUR)

UK Beneficiary

Before making a payment to a UK bank account, you are to add a beneficiary. Note that we can payout Pounds or Euros to UK accounts.

Here is a sample request to add a Euros UK beneficiary:

curl --location '{{sandboxURL}}/beneficiaries' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{APIKEY}}' \
--data '{
    "reference": "a616b81a-8540-405f-a20f-f862dbc02e46",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "country": "GB",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "destination": {
        "accountNumber": "GB33BUKB20201555555555",
        "accountName": "Halo Gray",
        "type": "SEPA_EUR",
        "sender": {
            "type": "BUSINESS",
            "accountName": "Mean Inc",
            "country": "NG",
            "city": "Ikeja",
            "address": "3 Opebi road",
            "postCode": "23456543",
            "businessRegistrationNumber": "RC123456"
        "remittancePurpose": "TRAVEL",
        "beneficiary": {
            "type": "BUSINESS",
            "country": "GB",
            "city": "lawmen",
            "postCode": "2343",
            "address": "2 huddington road"

The parameters for adding beneficiary for UK bank accounts are:

accountNumberIBAN number of the beneficiary.
accountNameName of the beneficiary's account.
Individual senders must provide first and last name
typePayment type must be SEPA_EUR.
remittancePurposePurpose of the remittance.
See accepted remittance purposes here (opens in a new tab)
senderSender details.
See Sender Parameters below.
beneficiaryBeneficiary details.
See Beneficiary Parameters below.

Sender Parameters

sender[type]Type of sender (BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL).
sender[accountName]Name of the sender's account.
Individual senders must provide first and last name
sender[country]Sender's country.
sender[city]Sender's city.
sender[address]Sender's address.
sender[postCode]Sender's postcode.
sender[businessRegistrationNumber]Business registration number
Only if sender is BUSINESS.

Beneficiary Parameters

beneficiary[type]Type of beneficiary (BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL).
beneficiary[country]Beneficiary's country.
beneficiary[city]Beneficiary's city.
beneficiary[address]Beneficiary's address.
beneficiary[postCode]Beneficiary's postcode.