UK Beneficiary (GBP)

UK Beneficiary

Before making a payment to a UK bank account, you are to add a beneficiary. Note that we can payout Pounds or Euros to UK accounts.

Here is a sample request to add a Pounds UK beneficiary:

curl --location '{{sandboxURL}}/beneficiaries' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{APIKEY}}' \
--data '{
    "reference": "80f29319-bb88-40e8-8854-e7fed7d07544",
   "callbackUrl": "",
    "country": "GB",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "customerEmail": "",
    "destination": {
        "accountNumber": "55555575",
        "accountName": "Helen Griffith",
        "sortCode": "09-87-69",
        "type": "DOMESTIC_GBP",
        "sender": {
            "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
            "accountName": "Jane Doe",
            "country": "NG",
            "city": "Ikeja",
            "address": "3 Opebi road",
            "postCode": "23456543",
        "remittancePurpose": "TRAVEL",
        "beneficiary": {
            "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
            "country": "GB",
            "city": "lawmen",
            "postCode": "2343",
            "address": "2 huddington road"

The parameters for adding beneficiary for Pounds UK beneficiary are:

accountNumberAccount number of the beneficiary.
accountNameName of the beneficiary's account.
Individual senders must provide first and last name
sortCodeSort code of the beneficiary's account.
It must be in the format XX-XX-XX e.g 09-87-69
typePayment type must be DOMESTIC_GBP.
remittancePurposePurpose of the remittance.
See accepted remittance purposes here (opens in a new tab)
senderSender details.
See Sender Parameters below.
beneficiaryBeneficiary details.
See Beneficiary Parameters below.

Sender Parameters

sender[type]Type of sender (BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL).
sender[accountName]Name of the sender's account.
Individual senders must provide first and last name
sender[country]Sender's country.
sender[city]Sender's city.
sender[address]Sender's address.
sender[postCode]Sender's postcode.
sender[businessRegistrationNumber]Business registration number
Only if sender is BUSINESS.

Beneficiary Parameters

beneficiary[type]Type of beneficiary (BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL).
beneficiary[country]Beneficiary's country.
beneficiary[city]Beneficiary's city.
beneficiary[address]Beneficiary's address.
beneficiary[postCode]Beneficiary's postcode.